Released between Sept and Dec ’21 the original Al Goanna collection features 489 NFTs. When we launched the project there were no expectations and the plan was pretty straight forward. For every NFT created we pledged to plant one tree. Lets just say things went well and the community reaction was favorable. By December we had planted over 40,000 Trees and established ourselves as one of the biggest NFT communities on Algorand.
Since then its fair to say we have kicked some goals and achieved some things of which we are incredibly proud. Highlights include:
- Establish dedicated environmental impact fund and plant over 100,000 Trees
- Build an incredible community
- Brand partnerships with all major Algorand platforms
- First Algorand project to break 1M Algo volume
- Record sale of 111,111A
While our goals have got bigger our philosophy remains simple. Make cool shit, reward our holders and have a positive impact along the way.