
This isn’t just any story; this is the beginning of love story about how Julius met Elle Goanna.
On a chilly autumn evening, Julius put on his denim jacket and blue beanie as he rushed out the door. Julius was late to a blind date.
You see Julius had gone through life hopping from Goanna girl to Goanna girl, he was missing something unknown to him. His friends could see it too: Lawrence “Larry” Zitoanna (GOANNA 133) found his someone special. Even 091 found a girl, which no one had the heart to tell 091 a blow up doll doesn’t count…but hey he wasn’t sleeping alone at night! Both 091 and Larry sat Julius down, “Hey bro, we know a girl that might make an honest Goanna out of you.” Julius was apprehensive, he wouldn’t know what he was getting himself into. Julius paused deep in thought, and after a deep breath replied, “You know what guys, tell her I’m down. Give her my number”
Julius hopped in his Lambo and headed towards the Lizard Lounge, a new high end speakeasy where he would meet his blind date. With a beautiful sunset on the horizon, Julius put on his shades with a smirk to follow. He had a good feeling about this date. With five minutes to spare, Julius arrives at the Lizard Lounge and notices the most beautiful Goanna he has ever seen standing by the entrance. With his heart skipping a beat, Julius keeps his eyes fixed on the 10 out of 10 in front of him. His shades soften the radiance of the evening sun creating a glow around her. This mystery Goanna’s physique was nothing short of amazing, but she is facing away from him so Julius cannot see her face. As Julius approaches, she slowly turns around…
“Hi. I’m Elle. Are you Julius?”
In this moment, Julius knew what was missing was missing in his life. It was Elle. It was always Elle….