Goanna Documentation
Mutants V Zombies
The second major collection in the Goanna series often referred to as V2.
The series will total 5555 NFTs made up of two rival factions Mutants and Zombies. The larger mint size will allow us to dramatically expand our community and provide a more accessible entry into the Goanna family for holders.
It is our most ambitious NFT project to date with an exceptionally high number of traits.We are aiming to produce an NFT collection of the highest standard that will rival any existing collection out there.
Collectors will be able to collect NFTs from both factions but will have to pledge allegiance to one side in order to take part in the regular battles that will take place. This will happen through our discord verification process and more information will be released post launch.
25% of the mint price will be used to seed the Goanna DAO treasury with another 25% being donated to the Gilbert Goanna Tree Fund. The remaining funds will be reserved by the project and used towards future development.
- Redeemable for a V2 (randomly assigned zombie or mutant)
- To redeem, the egg needs to be hatched (you dont get to keep the egg and the v2)
- Approx 420 eggs in circulation
- The V2 assigned will be of equal or higher rarity than the colour of the egg
The intention was simply that the eggs would be redeemable for a V2, straight swap. However, despite the fact we have repeatedly talked about V2 being a larger collection to increase the size of our community and nearly 1500 eggs being minted, eggs have been trading on the secondary for prices far higher than the realistic mint price of V2. Therefore, we have decided to increase their utility.
The pool of V2s associated with the eggs will contain a higher proportion of rare Zombies and Mutants. This means if you hold an egg, you will have a higher chance of pulling a rare than if taking part in the public mint. The public mint will still contain rare V2 but it will be a smaller %.
Eggs are minted from the v1 creator wallet which means they give access to the GOC chat. When V2 is released, the V1 owners will retain their own private chat, in addition to the more broad Goanna Owners chat which will include V1+V2 owners.
If someone chooses not to hatch their egg, they can retain access to the V1 chat as long as they hold the egg.
There will be a deadline by which time eggs must be hatched. If they are not hatched by this time then they will remain eggs and no longer be redeemable for a V2. It is anticipated this would be around 6 weeks after the launch. The reason for this, is that since we cannot mint on demand, the V2s will all be minted in advance of the release. After the deadline, any unhatched V2s will be made available in a public sale, details to be confirmed. We have not ruled out future utility for eggs in subsequent drops or side projects.

Mutant Pineapples and Strawberries
Distributed in a holders airdrop in Feb ‘ 22 the Pineapples can be used in 1 of 2 ways.
During the release of V2, the pineapple can be used to produce a mutant version of your existing V1 Goanna. The traits from the V1 will be matched in the mutant version.When you produce your V2 mutant, you will retain your original V1 Goanna.
Each V1 will only be able to produce one mutant and one zombie.
If you choose not to use the fruit to mutate your V1 Goanna it can be used to claim a randomly assigned V2 mutant.
There will only be 3 mutant strawberries. These rare and highly toxic fruits will produce extremely mutated and highly valuable mutant Goannas. The mutant strawberry can be used on its own and does not require a V1 Goanna to mint a mega mutant.
V1 Goannas which have been mutated will display this information in their metadata which you can see by viewing the NFT either on our platform or via NFTexplorer.

Zombie Bites and Virus
During the release of V2, the zombie bite can be used to produce a zombie version of your existing V1 Goanna. The traits from the V1 will be matched in the zombie version.
When you produce your V2 zombie, you will retain your original V1 Goanna.
Each V1 will only be able to produce one mutant and one zombie.
There will only be 3 zombie virus viles released. These super high doses of zombie viruses will produce a highly infected and rare zombie Goanna. The zombie virus can be used on its own and does not require a V1 Goanna to mint a mega zombie.
V1 Goannas which have been zombified will display this information in their metadata which you can see by viewing the NFT either on our platform or via NFTexplorer.